And something else happens: adoption. Yes, we are adopted into the family of God. We are made His heirs, His sons and daughters. We are His precious children.
He made us and he bought us. Like the little boat twice owned. Do you know the story?
A young boy wanted a boat. He received a kit to make a little sail boat. His father promised the boy that he could try his boat out in a real lake when it was finished. So the boy worked on the boat every day after school, and even more on the weekends until it was completed. It was a beautiful little boat, with every detail included, even a sail at the top.
Each day after school the boy returned to the place where his boat was lost to look for it, until one day, he stopped going. He accepted that his boat was gone for good. Then, one day when walking in town past a second-hand shop, the little boy was walking past the front window and he saw his little boat for sale! Someone had found it at the lake and brought it to the store to sell. The little boy went home, did chores for money and begged his father to go back and buy his boat back. Finally he had enough money.
Leaving the store, with tears streaming down his face, the little boy clutched the boat tightly and said, "Oh, little boat, you are twice mine, since I made you, and I bought you!"
Friend, it is the same with us. God made us, and He bought us. Do you belong to Him today? Believe that He paid your sin debt and that trust that He was crucified on a criminal's cross to give you eternal life and a right relationship with Him forever, and you will become His son or His daughter. It's that simple!
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