One of my mom's favourite hymns was In The Garden. She inspired me to love it, too. It's a song about your own time with the Lord and how precious and peaceful it should be. It always reminds me of two things:
1. How my mom was such a faithful prayer warrior. She prayed several times a day, every day. She would also pray at night when she couldn't sleep, which was often, especially in her later years.
2. How prayer is a gift and we should all pray about everything, all the time. Remember the verse, "Pray without ceasing" ? (1 Thess. 5:17) It doesn't mean to pray 24/7; you wouldn't have time for living your life. It does mean to exist in an attitude of prayer and talking to the Lord and listening to Him all the time. It's a gentle reminder to talk to your Father in heaven. What a privilege!
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