When I started blogging a few months ago, I noticed that a TON of other bloggers apologize profusely for not blogging "in a while," or "in such a long time," or like "I can't even remember when I last blogged," or in "forever"! I vowed to myself I would not do that. Hence the title, NO SORRY. I will not be sorry. I am sorry about enough other stuff in my life that my not blogging doesn't even make the list.
However, here is what I have been doing instead of blogging:
trying to get my kids ready for a new school year (today's the day; they are officially back to school).
enjoying what is left of summer (2 BBQ's this w/end - yikes!)
reading other blogs that I find fascinating, or even just a little more interesting than doing nothing
thinking of cool things to blog about, but then something wrecks it, like I'm thinking of writing about a relative and if it's not 100% positive, it may ruin our relationship if they ever read the post
baking more (kids and hubby are happy about this one :) )
cleaning. yeah, that's right. cleaning. I am finding when I get nervous now, it's best to clean (house looks better and no calories to work off!)
thinking about cleaning (always so much more to clean!)
driving around and watching young boys hit each other really hard (yes, my youngest son finally convinced his over-protective neurotic mother -- me -- to let him join a football team this year.) Yes for the team! Yes for him, but I am so nervous he'll get hurt, hence the extra cleaning and baking lately
de-cluttering. this is a lifetime project and very rewarding for me. I am in a constant state of wondering what else we can live without and how much more room we'll have when we get rid of it
Gotta go now,
will blog later!
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