Monday, November 26, 2012

All I Could Do

God speaks in the silence of the heart, and we listen. And then we speak to God from the fullness of our heart, and God listens. And this listening and this speaking is what prayer is meant to be....  ~Mother Teresa

Recently I had a scary day. My mind felt out of my control. My emotions were all over the place. My heart was dark. I was afraid for myself and my family. Never have I experienced such a feeling of someone or something controlling me. I couldn't stop it. I couldn't get back to normal. There was no returning to baseline. All I could do was pray. I mean it. Sometimes people say that when they have a problem, "Well, I tried everything but all I could do was pray." Well, it's true for me on that day. I called out to God again and again to help me. Nothing eloquent really comes to mind when you have fallen in a well and can't be heard by anyone. Just "HELP!" That's what I asked for, over and over. And He did help me. Not that moment or that hour even, but the help did come. And a very important verse came to my mind:

For God has not given us the spirit of fear, 
but of love and of power 
and of a sound mind.  
2 Timothy 1:7

God wants us to have a sound mind, not one full of despair and darkness and fear. He wants us to trust in His love for us, and His power over everything, and then as a result to have a sound mind.

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