Monday, July 30, 2012

Get Real !

If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your home is on fire, then you have a problem. Everything else is inconvenience.
-- Robert Fulghum

I saw this quote on someone else's blog today and it reminded me what a baby I am sometimes with my frequent complaining and my lack of thankfulness.  I complain about big things, little things, inconsequential minutiae, and everything in between.  

Don't get me wrong. I have come a long way. I am not where I used to be, but not where I should be either. I am a lot more thankful today than I was say, two years ago. God is working His good will in me bit by bit, when I let Him.

God's Word repeats often enough for us to get it: STOP COMPLAINING! GIVE THANKS! BE GRATEFUL! YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED!

And so we have. We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. Blessings we don't deserve, and that He paid for and provided.

Once, several years ago, Andy and I were driving down a main road near our town and arguing about something small and stupid. I am being honest here. We are human, imperfect, and selfish beings who sometimes put our own opinions and happiness over every other thing and person in the world. That's what was happening in our car. You know how it goes -- the insane back and forth comments, sniping, and insults that hurt, each of us holding our ground stubbornly. We each refused to see the other's point of view.

Then, out of nowhere, as we were approaching an intersection and driving right through it, two cars in front of us collided violently.  It was loud and it was bad. Andy swerved to miss the two cars and barely got out of their way on time. Their accident stopped us in our tracks and our mouths fell open. Horrified, we looked at each other and quit talking.  Not another word for a long time. As we struggled to make sense of it and get our heartbeats back to normal, it occurred to us that we had just witnessed two people who now had a problem much bigger than our own.  Our little argument was nonsense. It was worthless, a waste of precious time on earth. We should have spent that time talking lovingly to each other, or talking about our Lord, or not talking at all.

Boy, did we feel ashamed as we barely missed being the ones in the accident. We felt humbled in our sinfulness that we needed to witness a near fatality to stop our bickering.  It was embarrassing to realize that, all of a sudden, it didn't matter who was right or wrong, kind or unkind, we felt lucky to be alive, all right, and together. 

Lord, give me that sense of new perspective on life more often. Help me to realize what's important before it's too late.  Remind me that I have heaven in the bank, a merciful Saviour who never leaves me, and a ton of other blessings like my loving husband and three children. There are kindnesses from friends and strangers, and the miracles of creation all around me. On top of all of that, life is full of wonderful surprises. Amen.

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