Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas Wish

My wish for you for Christmas this year is for MORE!

Not more stuff, more money, or more activities. Forget the over-consumption motto of the marketers in the world: NEWER, BIGGER, BETTER, MORE!  Newer, bigger, better, more has gotten us into debt, on the verge of bankruptcy, and out of the true spirit of everything.

I wish you more peace. Peace from God, peace with God, and the peace of God which surpasses all human understanding. Also peace with your family, friends, and others. Decide you won't let anything wreck your peace this season.

I wish you more simplicity. Move the tinsel and ornaments aside and you will see the tree. Let it remind you of the most important tree of all -- the cross that Christ died on to save you and forgive your sins.  Remember the true meaning of Christmas and the "stuff" will mean less and less.

I wish you more time. Time to reflect on the Christ-child and His reason for coming to earth. "I am come that they might have abundant life."! (John 10:10) Want to reduce your stress this season? Cut out about 90% of what you think you're "expected" to do, and focus on one or two doable small things. One family gathering instead of two. One day of cookie baking, or just buy them instead! One day to decorate instead of non-stop decorating from now til Christmas Eve! And one special church event or service instead of trying to attend everything with everyone. Funny how when you cut out all the extraneous activities from your schedule and learn to say "No," you actually have time to watch a nice Christmas movie with your kids or drink egg nog and eat cookies with a lonely neighbor, or read a book!

I wish you more calm. Decide you will not fight crowds of people in shopping malls or discount stores for what you think you "need" to buy. Take it easy. Sip some hot chocolate or a latte. Go shopping for shorter periods of time and when YOU feel ready, not when the stores tell you to. Think of making a handmade gift instead of purchasing everything. Don't get into debt over presents! Decide it's not important to be the perfect mom, the perfect host, or the perfect anything, and just enjoy the holidays the way you want to for a change!

I wish you more joy. And isn't that the point? We are celebrating the joy we have because God sent His only Son to come to earth in the form of a human baby and live a perfect life, sacrifice Himself for us and provide us untold spiritual riches in Him. This should make us happy, not stressed. If you are stressed, try some of the above ideas this year, or add your own in the comments. Would love to hear how others simplify their lives around the holiday time.

Merry Christmas to you all!

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