1. I have never played a game of Scrabble.
2. I didn't start drinking coffee til my late '30's - my first was a "chiller" from Gloria Jean's. I love iced coffee now.
3. I love dogs, but hate the barking and the cleanup (you know what I mean), so we don't have one.
4. We do have 2 chickens right now -- laying hens -- Big Mama, and Kung Pao Delight. Don't ask.
5. They lay brown eggs, but only when they're in the mood.
6. Big Mama hasn't been in the mood for about 8 weeks.
7. I love my life, my family, my home. I think I am blessed, lucky, or whatever you want to call it. There aren't too many people I envy.
8. I tried smoking once. Three cigarettes later, I quit for good.
9. That's probably because I don't have an addictive personality.
10. I do love chocolate, probably more than a body should.
11. Chocolate makes even the worst day better.
12. My real first name is Bethel, but so many people seemed uncomfortable calling me that, that I go by Beth.
13. My father named me after the first church he went to after he got saved.
14. My mom wanted to call me Cynthia Dawn, which I actually like a lot.
15. Dad said no, it sounds like a stripper.
16. I love rainstorms, with lightning and thunder, as long as I'm at home.
17. My favourite movie is one no one seems to have heard of: Windy City with John Shea, who also happens to be my serious movie star crush. My non-serious movie star crush is Bill Murray. If either of them ever asked me out, I would have to work some kind of mutual arrangement out with my husband.
18. I hate alcohol, just hate it. I would have probably worked for prohibition had I been born sooner.
19. I also hate drugs, and have never even tried one once. Not even pot.
20. Sometimes I hate how self-righteous I sound when I say that.
21. I have always had a self-image problem and have always wished I were better, more, smarter, prettier, and had a better personality. I struggle with liking myself the way I am.
22. I think it's pretty cool to be a Christian and know where I'm going when I die. (Only because Christ died my death that He didn't deserve, to give me salvation that I don't deserve.)
23. I am becoming bolder as I get older. When I was younger, I never stood up for myself. I couldn't even bring shoes back or clothes that didn't fit. I was afraid they'd be mad.
24. When I was young, I wanted to be a dental nurse. Probably because I met a nice one when I went to the dentist.
25. Then I wanted to be a psychologist (you know like Bob Newhart).
26. I ended up being a secretary, and administrative assistant, and working in retail on the side once.
27. I am about 5 classes away from getting my bachelor's degree, but probably won't because I've been out of school so long and it's really expensive.
28. I hated people who just follow the crowd in school. Hence the never having done drugs, and the taking French when 99% of everyone else took Spanish.
29. I actually got to use my French once when we went to the St. Louis arch and a little kid was crying to his mother in French in the bathroom ( I interpreted it for my husband). I also use it a little when we rent or watch a French film.
30. I have always wanted to live by an ocean.
31. When I was a kid, my brother and I pretended to be two fictitious children named Jack and Debbie. I still don't know why.
32. I still don't know how to swim very well.
33. I love flowers, flower of all kinds, real ones, pictures of them, etc. Just love em.
34. I once saw a baby rabbit in the middle of a road when I was on my lunch hour, stopped traffic across two lanes, picked it up, and drove it all the way to my boyfriend's house (he lived in the woods) to save it.
35. I think birthmoms are some of the most courageous people you'll ever meet. I have adopted two children from two different ones. They're my heroes.
36. I was bullied as a kid. Who wasn't, right?
37. Once I was bullied so bad by a girl in 9th grade, that my dad taught me how to fight back (he was a boxer, and a pastor), and when I did and got a full day, in-school suspension, the dean called my dad to tell him what I did, and my dad simply said, " I know, I told her to hit the girl." I still think that was so cool of my dad.
38. I still had to serve the detention. But the girl never bothered me again.
39. My mom baked almost every day of my life (and she always used real butter), even after we all left home. I was always underweight and trim.
40. I hardly ever bake and I am about 40+ pounds overweight.
41. Go figure.
42. I love colors. Almost all colors.
43. My kids can't believe that there were no DVDs or cable tv when I was growing up. No smartphones either, just ones that worked.
44. We used to be outside as much of the day as we could as children, and our parents rarely knew where we were.
45. I never personally knew anyone or even heard of anyone being kidnapped, used in kiddy porn, or child-trafficked when I was growing up.
46. There was only one family on our block with divorced parents. We all felt sorry for them.
47. Christmas time started after Thanksgiving years ago. It was a special and magical time of year.
48. Now it starts around Halloween and people are sick of it by Thanksgiving.
49. No one heard of road rage back then, and people seemed more courteous and polite.
50. Now if you look at someone funny, they want to kill you.
51. I am still proud to be an American.
52. Though I distrust many who run our government.
53. I love purple.
54. We have a cat named Arielle. Her name means "lion of God."
55. My mom recycled and composted when I was a kid, before it was cool.
56. I never knew 3 out of my four grandparents. They were dead before I was born. The other grandpa died when I was 4.
57. I almost drank the morning of my wedding, I was so nervous.
58. Two people in our wedding party said not to, that I'd be sorry. They said to take it all in as hard as I could because the day will fly by and I might not remember much if I don't.
59. They were right. I'm glad I was sober.
60. I love candles.
61. I think they get a bad rap from firemen. I have never had a candle cause a fire. But I've heard of a lot of smokers who did. And bad wiring. And fireplace cinders. You get the point.
62. I love old-fashioned stuff. Like antiques.
63. Modern furniture bores me.
64. It also seems to be made to last about 2 years.
65. I love old textbooks.
66. Naps are underrated.
67. The movie Forest Gump is way overrated. The best thing about it was the soundtrack.
68. I love trees. All kinds.
69. I always wanted a cat, but my mom never let me have one, so when I got married and we got a house, I got one right away and have had 4 of them now.
70. I'm glad I'm not famous. Truly and honestly. I like the fact that I am a nobody.
71. I like my privacy.
72. I loved Princess Diana. It makes me sad that her life was so disappointing to her.
73. I would like to see Scotland and Ireland one day.
74. In my perfect world I would live in a Victorian home at least 100 years old.
75. I would like to own a full set (or 8 place settings) of Fiestaware, just because it's beautiful and colorful.
76. If at the end of my life, someone can say I made a difference in this world, I will be happy.
77. Especially if the difference I make is for Christ and His kingdom.
78. I am still absolutely astonished at the truth that Jesus Christ is God and died on the cross for ME!
79. A hot bath with bubbles and candles can improve any day.
80. We get tired of older folks saying how much better and simpler the world was when they were young.
81. Now I find myself saying how much better and simpler the world was when I was young.
82. When my first cat Kevin died, I cried for three days. I still miss him. He was the neatest animal I have ever known.
83. I never learned how to play chess. Long games make me nervous. I prefer checkers.
84. Nature makes me feel God in a very close, personal and visceral way. It is a spiritual experience for me.
85. Flowers make me happy. Any room with fresh flowers is a better room.
86. I am learning to de-clutter from my husband, who could have been a monk. When I met him, he owned very little. In his bedroom was a bed (minimal bedding), a table, chair and a dresser. No kidding.
87. A true friend is the highest compliment in relationships. It's better than being a relative. Someone once told me that.
88. After all these years, it's still hard to beat the Beatles!
89. I've never been to New York. I would like to go someday.
90. If I had much more money, I would decorate better, dress better and travel more. I would also give more away.
91. I feel that I had the best two parents anyone could have. I am lucky.
92. My favourite number is 7.
93. I love Bill Murray, but I was disappointed in his character in the movie, "Lost In Translation," when he cheated on Scarlett Johanssen's character, and I hated the movies "Groundhog Day" and "Scrooged."
94. I love the older comedians: Don Rickles, Sid Caesar, etc.
95. I still miss Johnny Carson and the old Tonight Show.
96. I am accutely aware of most of my faults, including the fact that I am way too opinionated.
97. I am annoyed by people who have no opinions.
98. Bet they are annoyed by me too!
99. Lately I am working on being more thankful.
100. If I were not the nationalities that I am, I would want to be Italian. Thanks for reading my list! Have a great day.
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